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News / What an amazing year! Rock into 2001


The year 2000 saw Rock Computers underlining its position as one of the UK·s largest and most successful notebook manufacturers by changing its name to rockdirect.com, reflecting the company·s continued commitment to e-commerce.The decision to rebrand and launch the new rockdirect.com Website has been an extremely positive one in terms of growing the business over the last 4 months. The launch of rockdirect.com has been well received by customers and with phase 2 of rockdirect.com already underway, we expect further significant growth this year.

rockdirect.com has established itself as a leader in mobile technology with the IT industry consistently awarding rock notebooks with accolades recognising the performance, value for money and inherent build quality. In fact, the year 2000 saw a significant milestone for Rock, receiving 24 awards from industry experts of leading IT Publications - more than any other notebook manufacturer in the UK. rockdirect.com will continue to provide its product range for evaluation and are confident that the award winning tradition will continue throughout 2001.

"We would like to thank all our customers for the continued month on month growth of rockdirect.com", says Nick Boardman, Managing Director. " With future investment plans we will continue to deliver the latest state of the art models, thus sustaining our position as the market leader".

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rock, A Division of Stone Computers Ltd, Granite One Hundred, Acton Gate, Stafford, Staffordshire, ST18 9AA