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News / Rock Expands its UK Team


Rock Group plc lures Alasdair Bailey from Computer Shopper for Product Manager Role

Rock Group plc the established laptop manufacturer has continued the process of recruiting industry experts to lead the company through a continued phase of growth, with the appointment of Alasdair Bailey as Product Manager for their complete range of computer products.

The appointment follows the impressive growth in sales of the company’s extensive product portfolio and the earlier appointment of Luke Ireland, Commercial Director to enable Rock to both improve support to their corporate and consumer customers across the UK and enable them to develop their offering of cutting edge mobile technology, in the highly competitive UK marketplace.

Commenting on Alasdair Bailey’s appointment, Managing Director of Rock Group plc, Nick Boardman said: “We made a strategic decision at the beginning of this year to expand; we refined our product portfolio to ensure we could deliver the latest consumer and corporate mobile solutions. To maintain our position as a competitive laptop manufacturer in the UK market it was vital to invest in our team. The great potential for Rock this year to build on our previous success is the key reason that Alasdair chose to join our team.”

Alasdair previously worked at Computer Shopper, where he was Reviews Editor for the leading IT magazine for over 2 years. During this time he developed a thorough knowledge of the IT market, technology developments, benchmarking for performance and marketing strategies to enable manufacturers to sell effectively in the UK.

Bailey commented:
“It was Rock’s success to date, their ambition to develop their product portfolio this year that appealed to me. I feel that joining Rock Group was certainly the right decision and I am excited about working closely with the key partners like Intel, ATI and Microsoft to ensure our products remain cutting edge. Having worked at Computer Shopper I understand the intense group testing the magazines will put our products through and the need to evolve our portfolio to remain at the top.”

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