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News / rockdirect and Intel® Launch the Mobile Freedom Bus in Covent Garden


Today, Thursday, 11 August 2005, rockdirect notebooks and Intel® launch the Mobile Freedom Bus in Covent Garden. The bus contains ten notebooks including the latest rockdirect models and a plasma screen, offering an interactive insight into up and coming technology from Intel® and rockdirect.

The rockdirect Mobile Freedom Bus was formerly a mobile library that has been refitted to the highest specification inspired by its hi-tech contents.

The aim of the bus is to bring the latest technology right to the user, wherever they are in the UK. The initial plan for the rockdirect Mobile Freedom Bus will be to attend LAN gaming parties, as well as universities and schools up and down the country, educating users in the practical benefits of mobile wireless technology whilst demonstrating the fun aspect of stimulating new technology.

Nick Boardman Managing Director of rockdirect started the project in December 2004 and said “We wanted to create a mobile gaming solution that could attend LAN gaming parties and give something back to our customers. Through our offering of the Mobile Freedom Bus users can really experience and test out our products whilst seeing technology working at its best”.

The rockdirect bus has been scheduled for various visits and will be at Southampton University on the 10th and 11th October outside the Student·s Union Building.

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